Lydia Riedell, LMT is a licensed massage therapy professional trained at the Core Institute in Tallahassee and licensed in Florida since 1992. In concert with her practice of massage therapy, Lydia became a Reiki practitioner in the Usui System of Natural Healing and applied this energy based healing art as a volunteer with Big Bend Hospice and as a first responder with the Lake Lamonia Volunteer Fire Department. After becoming a Reiki Master in the Usui System, Lydia opened a massage establishment where she specialized in massage therapy for patients with TMJ, fibromyalgia, and sports injuries. Lydia currently practices Acutonics Sound Healing with tuning forks and crystals, and teaches Qigong fundamentals and Light Balancing techniques for health and vitality.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, is a real and devastating cycle that is being fielded by an increasing number of healthcare professionals. Bodyworkers are often sought by people caught in this cycle. Massage therapists can provide the technique, care and support needed for PTSD healing to occur.
Essential oils have proven medicinal properties and can amplify the effectiveness of massage therapy. Few medicines have the capability of positively affecting the body, mind and spirit as powerfully as essential oils. This capability makes aromatherapy a logical choice when treating the effects of trauma.
Knee pain is a very common complaint in both adolescents and the elderly. Massage therapy is a crucial component of a comprehensive rehabilitation plan that addresses this common complaint.
Help your clients with fibromyalgia relieve their pain. Learn about this debilitating syndrome — and how massage therapists can impact their clients with fibromyalgia.
Over the last decade, cupping therapy has moved rapidly into the mainstream of Eastern bodywork therapies. Once seen as an ancient healing technique used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) from as far back as five centuries, modern cupping therapy introduces a wide array of instruments – as well as application techniques – to treat soft tissue presentations that massage therapists see every day on their massage tables.
All healthcare professionals encounter clients who challenge their professional and ethical boundaries. Analyzing examples of such encounters fosters practitioner preparedness and reduces the likelihood of being caught by surprise and without a plan of action.
Understanding the chakra system provides multi-dimensional insight into the human condition, and can increase the therapeutic value of massage. In addition to a brief summary of this system, a chakra clearing technique to encourage healing is described.
We can all use a substance-free boost to manage the demands of a hectic life. Incorporate some or all of these energy-stimulating techniques into your daily routine to keep illness at bay and maintain a steady stream of vigor.
Preparation for this seasonal change can maintain health and balance during the chilly months that lay ahead. This comprehensive approach to wellness includes six detailed methods (from acupressure to food choices) that will keep us in alignment with the cycle of nature.
Mastering the locations and indications of over 400 acupressure points on the body can be an overwhelming task. Our experts highlight 10 of the most effective points on the body, explain how to find them and describe the benefits of these points.
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